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Clinkers Slice
Course Slice
Cuisine Chocolate
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Slice
Cuisine Chocolate
Prep Time 5 minutes
  1. Line a slice tin with baking paper and set aside.
  2. Crush the clinkers and biscuits in a food processor and place in a bowl.
  3. Melt the butter and condensed milk in a saucepan on low heat until melted and mixed together well.
  4. Pour the melted butter/condensed milk mixture over the crushed biscuits and clinkers.
  5. Stir to combine (don't worry if the mixture seems a little bit wet).
  6. Place into the slice tray and press the mixture down very firmly.
  7. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on a double boiler and spread evenly over the slice.
  8. Place in the fridge for at least two hours (preferably overnight).
  9. Take the slice out of the fridge and leave for 20 minutes before slicing (this way your chocolate will be less likely to crack).
  10. Cut the slice into squares.
  11. This slice will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week (but it won't last that long anyway!)
Recipe Notes


  • you can freeze the slices as a whole or cut into individual pieces;
  • wrap the slice in plastic wrap then wrap in a layer of foil and place into an airtight container in the freezer (these 3 steps will keep your slices tasting great!);
  • slices with a soft filling (or cheesecakes) don’t tend to freeze well;
  • slices kept in the freezer will taste best within the first month, but can last longer.
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